Caillebotte is often associated with the Impressionists. When looking at
Caillebotte’s work one can see influences from the Impressionists, yet at the
same time not all his stylistic characteristics fall into the impressionist
category. Looking at Caillebotte’s A Rainy Day and Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s
impressionist painting Moulin de la Galette one can see that they share several
commonalities while at the same time slightly differ.
paintings show an interest in light. Looking at Caillebotte’s A Rainy Day we
can see that he took interest in how the light was hitting certain objects. For
example we can see that Caillebotte played with the effects of light and color
on the ground. With the combination of light and color he made the ground appear
to be wet and shiny with water. We can also see light hitting the umbrellas of
the people strolling around the streets. Caillebotte used lighter shades to
show where the sun was hitting strongly and darker shades to show lack of
light. Similarly, in Renoir’s Moulin de la Galette we see an interest in the
use of light and color. We can see light shining through the trees above the
scene causing the light to be more dappled on the people and on the ground.
Renoir also used lighter colors in order to show where the sun was the most
extreme and darker colors to show shadows. Both paintings are not only
depicting outdoor scenes but they are depicting modern Paris as well.
Caillebotte is showing a modern Paris street with people dressed in modern
clothes. Renoir is also showing a modern Paris scene with people dancing and
interacting at a modern dance hall in modern clothes.
paintings differ as well. Renoir used much looser brushstrokes in order to
create Moulin de la Galette. Renoir’s painting has a very spontaneous and
abbreviated feel to it due to the loose brushstrokes. It looks like he was
capturing this fleeting moment in time as fast as he could so he could depict
this exact moment. Caillebotte’s A Rainy Day however has a much more refined
look. He achieved a refined look because it doesn’t have a sketch like quality.
He also didn’t use as loose of brushstrokes as Renoir, which also gave the
painting a refined appearance. Each of these paintings also give off different
moods. Many impressionist paintings, due to their sketch like quality, give off
a lively and energetic feel. However, A Rainy Day has a much more calm and
isolated feel. It feels calm because Caillebotte didn’t use loose brushstrokes
and also left a large amount of empty space in this scene. This empty space
creates and isolated and lonely feel. It also appears to be lonely because none
of the people walking in the street are interacting with one another but rather
keeping to themselves. While Renoir’s artwork is extremely lively and has a
large amount of movement. Not only is this because of his loose brushstrokes
but also because he filled the canvas with people interacting with one another.