Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Last Post - Option #2

There were a lot of different artistic time periods that I found very intriguing throughout the quarter. However, I found myself extremely drawn to both Impressionism and Fauvism. I feel that both of these artistic movements were not only lively but they both emphasized the use of color and light. I feel that Moulin de la Galette by Pierre-Auguste Renoir is a perfect example of why I love impressionist artwork and The Woman With the Hat by Henri Matisse is a perfect example of why I love Fauvist artwork.
            What catches my eye when first glancing at Moulin de la Galette is Renoir’s use of loose brushstrokes. I like that the loose brushstrokes create this feeling of spontaneity as if what we are looking at was a split second in time captured within the painting. Renoir’s use of color and light also really draw me in to this painting. I love that Renoir chose to have the light dappled on the figures in the painting as if they are underneath a tree and the light is shining through creating different intensities and shapes of light on the people below. Another thing that really intrigues me about this painting is that everywhere I look there is something going on. The whole canvas is filled up with figures that are interacting with one another, which makes the painting extremely lively and entertaining. 
            The Woman With the Hat is so aesthetically pleasing to me. Matisse’s interest in bright and complementary colors really draws me. Fauvist artwork is different that anything we have ever really seen prior to this time period because all the colors being used are all so exaggerated and intense. None of the colors on the woman would be seen in reality yet when looking at the painting they seem to go together and make sense. I also like that the Fauvist artists simplified their shapes and really focused in on expressing a mood or feeling. The Woman With the Hat is quite striking and vibrant and I think that’s what really attracts me to this painting and all Fauvist paintings for that matter.
            Something that draws me to both of these artistic periods and these paintings specifically are that they both go against what is expected by the academy. We are seeing very unnatural colors and extremely simplified forms from the fauvist artists. The fauvists are also not as interested in the subject matter as they are in what mood they are conveying and the colors that they are using. The Impressionists were also going against the standards of the academy. The subject matter that we see in Moulin de la Galette is that of modern Parisian life. Rather than seeing a biblical, mythological, or historical painting we are seeing a snapshot of modern life. This subject matter would have been rejected by the academy. The loose brushstrokes would have also been dismissed by the academy. The academy was more interested in precision within a painting rather than spontaneity we see in a large portion of Impressionist artwork. 

1 comment:

  1. I also am incredibly drawn to fauvism and the use of color. I am a huge fan of bright bold color pallets as well as portraiture so I find the fauvist portraits very interesting like the Woman With the Hat. I also agree that I am drawn to the less academic works for their aesthetic look and also for their meanings and stance. I believe that we are on the same page for our interests in this class.
