I particularly enjoyed studying Egyptian art. I believe that I am so drawn into that particular style of art because it has so much mystery not only surrounding the art but the culture as well. I was both intrigued by the visual details we see coming from the Egyptians as well as the culture from which this art came from.
While I find all Egyptian art beautiful and thought provoking there are several monumental pieces that I know I find absolutely intriguing as does most of the world. The pyramids of Giza are interesting in so many different ways. I find it amazing that they were built as resting places for deceased pharaohs. To have such a large pyramid built in honor of a leader shows the respect the people had for their leaders as well as the great power that these pharaohs had. These pyramids are also very intriguing to me because they are so monumental and large and having been built with no real machinery is absolutely mind blowing. The mystery about how exactly these pyramids were built I believe is what draws me in to them and makes me want to study them even further. Something that I also find interesting that comes from the Egyptian culture is that almost all powerful figures are represented with a beard. I also find it quite intriguing that figures are at times shown with bird like heads or other types of animal heads. Another monumental piece that came from the Egyptians that also interests me is the Great Sphinx. Not only do I find the appearance interesting, the lion body with pharaoh like head, but the history that comes with the structure. One of the main things about the Sphinx that I find interesting is that for periods of time it has in fact been completely covered by sand and yet has been preserved fairly well. The reaction and emotion that I get from looking at both the Great Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza is complete awe and the feeling of being overwhelmed by their size and beauty.
I also really enjoyed study art from the Ancient Near East. I think the reason why I found such interest in Ancient Near East art is because there is a wide variety of art being produced. There are votive figures being produced which show the religious aspect of the culture, there are lavishly decorated pieces like The Great Lyre with Bull’s Head, and then there are also pieces that show how there society is ran for example the Stele of Hammurabi. I think that it is the visual details that draw me in more so than the historical context. I really enjoy the use of lapis lazuli in The Great Lyre with Bull’s Head. I think this piece is quite beautiful not only because of the deep blue color but I enjoy how stylized it is, especially the beard.
Though the Egyptian and Ancient Near East art was my favorite to study I thoroughly enjoyed learning about every culture we covered. I feel that not only did I gain a great amount of knowledge of the cultures that the artwork came from but I also gained an even greater appreciation for the arts through the ages.